Beyond the Mop
Beyond the Mop
Bonus Episode - SpeakPipe & Thanks!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thanks for being a part of Beyond The Mop. You're an integral part of the show. Thanks for listening!
I teamed up with SpeakPipe. If you have any questions and would like to be featured on the show, go to https://www.speakpipe.com/BeyondTheMop and click "Start Recording". Record up to a 90-second question and you'll be featured on the podcast along with the answer(s) to your question(s). I'll put all of these together and will release them at a later date.
You all are awesome!
Hello, hello, hello, this is Mark Lineberry with beyond the mop and this is a bonus episode. Hey guys, I just want to do two things. Number one, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Now one dive in deeper with those words of thanks. But first, I want to introduce a new feature to this podcast. When I first created this podcast, I was limited in my beliefs, I was thinking, well, I'll just do a limited run, I'll do eight episodes, what are the eight most common questions that I had in my journey? What are the eight most common questions that my clients have? And what are the eight most common questions I see in groups like Facebook, and so forth. And I just create aggregate created total VEDA episodes and started to spit them out. Right. But that's limiting in my belief, I realized there's probably more questions that I think I know the answer to they're probably easy to solve. And I'm just not asking them on the podcast or create an episode about it. Or maybe there's some questions that are complex. I never really thought of like how deep I want to go at this and die really want to go into all the specifics here and here and here. But maybe it's important as someone else, care, or conversely, maybe there's questions I never even thought of before. So I teamed up with a company called Speak pipe, and you can go to a website. It's www.speakpipe.com backslash beyond the mob. And the link to this within the shownotes. A link to this website is right on there. But if you were to go to the website, it's very simple. You'll see our podcast start on there. And then you'll see a link it says start recording it's a big orange button with a microphone on. If you were to click that you have 90 seconds to ask a question you could ask whatever you want around cleaning and what I'll do on the show, I'll take that recording. I'll add to it with my answer research I do to figure out that answer for you. And we'll feature on brand new episode if I get enough questions doing so. So again, that website is www dot SpeakPipe comm backslash beyond the mop, just click start recording and they'll dive right in to your question. And back to the word of thanks. When I started this i i didn't know if it anyone would listen you know we all have limiting beliefs, right? That's thinking now if I create this, no one's going to listen but least I go through the exercise and have fun but I didn't realize dozens and dozens are listening. So I just want to give a shout out to a lot folks on here. People from El Paso, Denver, New York City, Louisville, Baltimore, Burlington, Kentucky. Who else we got Rock Hill, South Carolina, Philadelphia, Greensboro, North Carolina, Atlanta, Springfield, Virginia, the Moines, Iowa Bowie, Maryland, Dallas, Texas, Portland, Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Oregon, Phoenix, Arizona, Washington, DC you guys are represented here Well, McLean, Virginia. Who else we got here. Wellington, Florida, Boston, Massachusetts, Montgomery, Alabama, Alexandria, Virginia, Van Nuys, California, Nashville, Tennessee. I love your city. And so, so many more Athens, Georgia, I see Austin, Texas, Boise, Idaho, California, Orlando, Florida, Smyrna, Georgia. Just list goes on and on and on and on. But doesn't stop there. It goes around the globe. So big thanks to you guys in Dublin. Ireland definitely represented a Toronto cat, Canada, Croydon, UK. Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, Sofia, Bulgaria, Johannesburg, South Africa, Rhone region of France and even Nassau Bahamas. Man, I'd like to be there away from this cold right now. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You guys are awesome. Thanks for listening tuning in. We're at the halfway mark of the a plan episodes. Again, if I get more questions, I'll certainly add on an add on or if or if there's other topics people want to talk about our add on. I'm even thinking about doing a second run or a second season to feature other podcast hosts and then bringing them in on Earth perspective and cleaning and start doing a q&a type thing. We'll see where this goes. I'm just having fun with this. Hope you guys are enjoying listening to this and if there's anything I can do for you never hesitate to reach out. Again. Thanks for listening. Thanks for being part of this and man rocket